A few weeks ago I jumped in my van and trailed up to my Nanna's home to have tea. And by tea, I mean... tea, slice, soup, garlic bread, apple and lemon crumble, and specially purchased green tea. Oh my word. Rolling home was not an option as they live just a little far for such frivolous transport ideas, so I had a another cup of green tea and called it even.
Hmm. Tangent.
While I was there (here we are!), however, we had a bit of a dig through the fabric cupboard (quick sidenote - my Nanna is a creative genius in pretty much everything. She even inspired the name of the business! Her middle name is Joy...rubyandjoy...geddit, with all the Joy's? Woo hoo! Sense making! And not such a short sidenote after all) and came across piles and piles of lovely creamy vintage lace. So very, very beautiful, so intricate and delicate, and bought from all kinds of exotic lace making places.
First lovely lace using project, a bouquet sample!
Bouquet photo - taken by Uber Photography at www.uberphotography.com.au
Lace photos - taken by me! A camera excitement has taken hold. They'll get better...I promise.
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