Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Paris 2005
A very long post. Gosh!

Monday, July 27, 2009
I've been to the Tate Modern. It made me feel cool.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Real Weddings...Dana and Hunter

Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday (because it's almost the weekend) beauty spot..

Saturday eve...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Selma Blair. With parachute.

When note writing and photography became friends.

When a camera has a name the same as one of my friends...

Monday, July 20, 2009
Real weddings. So beautiful...

Love excuses now!

Friday, July 17, 2009
Love notes. They do still exist!
I've never been one to paint my face...
Until NOW! Actually, that's not true. But if I was the type who could confidently stroll about in a nonchalant fashion with lovely little droplets of peach and raspberry (ooh hungry) and shimmery golds on my face, well, I would. Collar's of lovely summery flowers would look smashing too, again, if I was someone that could do it without feeling like a swarm of bees was about to attack. But the thing is, after my genius idea last week of making Friday a regular beauty themed post, I realised I'm quite el crappo at said makeup and everything involved. Therefore, I've in mind more of an inspiration-like show and tell of things I wish I could pull of, but can't. Or only could if I was in a foreign country where no one would know me, and would mark my wierdness down to cute intercontinental idiosyncrasies.
SO! Picture numero uno has some lovely little peachy colours, which apparently suit everyone. Seriously, try it. Gold can be fun. Flawless skin (damn her) also helps, but I've recently discovered a double edged sword-like attack which I am giving you permission to try at home (excitement!). Fact. Vitamin C is good for you, and for your skin. Fact. Vitamin C chewable tablets are tasty, just like sherbet, and have health benefits (woo!). So, vitman C serum on the face, vitamin C tablets for dessert, and WHAM! You'll be looking fabulous (if not a little orange) in absolutely no time at all! Take that tired looking skin!
Now, I've also not really been one to stick peacock feather on my eyelashes (shocking I know), but, again, perhaps it's time to try something new. I did purchase a navy eyeliner a couple days ago which has made for much fun in my slightly mouldy bathroom. Blue eyes, navy liner, not too shabby. I love the colours in these lashes, very strong and pigmented. And OOH! I do believe that's gold glitter on right-ys face! I love it when my pictures work together. It's strange though, something in me is dying to try the whole 'feathers on my eyes' thing, although I do get the feeling I'd end up looking a bit like a cross between Big Bird and Edna Everage. Perhaps something to steer clear of.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Abstract painting is for everyone*!

And yes. I am using Porter's wall paint for my canvasses. I like the colour. And it was free.
Furiousdreams...colour is good for you.

A (rather lovely) wedding I once worked on...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Something creative and not at all similar to 'Happy Monday'!

I love a good market. A food market (I like food), a designer market, a second hand market. I've decided to set myself a goal of visiting at least one market every fortnight. They are colourful, and inspiring, and make me feel like I'm a creative free spirit that only eats organically and paints with colours I create myself from the clay and mud in my back garden. I even have a basket I bought specifically for market days, except it's so ruddy annoying to carry it now holds all my scarves and belts in the corner of my room, and hasn't actually seen the old booky delights and warm sugary macadamias that make me wish I had taken said basket so as to look all local-like.
So this here is Frenches Forest organic markets, which was a splendid morning adventure had with El, good looking friend and fellow market lover. The brownies are tops, the jam was fruity and tangy, and I've been munching my way through a giant fruit loaf that has made for very tasty breakfasts.
Next stop, Bondi markets! No, Glebe. NO! Leichardt food festival!! Did I mention I like food?
I also must learn how to wrap a scarf round my head and look creative and relaxed, instead of pinhead-y and weird. Tricky.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Happy weekend!

Friday, July 10, 2009
Red lipstick looks weird on me, hot on pretty much everyone else...

Now obviously Hils here does not have a red lip going on. Ignore that, and look at how pretty she is! Now, I do choose to believe that if you were in a shoot for Neiman Marcus your chances at looking all vintage-y and polished and lit with the natural sun that fills your grand living room would be slightly higher. Mainly I just have a bit of a crush on her, but she also looks very old world Hollywood beautiful, which, in turn, brings us here to...what's this over here!? A picture of Amy Adams...with red lipstick! The sense making returns! Hurrah!

I guess this one pretty much speaks for itself. And the side part and soft curls, gloves (bring back gloves I say), and the probably very expensive car are all helping her out here. But hey, if the Red's out there can pull of a red lipstick and look this amazing, it's getting more likely I'll give it a shot.

And lastly, but not leastly, Veronica Lake. Now. Clearly this is a black and white photo (I MUST plan these images better...), but I'm fairly sure by her minxy look right there, that the only thing that would inspire it would be a deep cherry lip colour, and perhaps a good looking studio guy who was a little excited he was involved in said photo taking, and had scored a date with Ronnie for next Tuesday night. But mainly the lipstick.