*****Update***** Winner anounced on 8th October
There is nothing that excites me quite like getting mail in the post. When I first started my own business, getting a PO Box was possibly one of the most exciting things I did. Don't worry, I have joined a support group. When You Love Getting Mail So Much You Become A Little Bit Crazy (WYLGMSMYBALC). It's working. But when I check it now, it's still a little bit like Christmas! Writing a note is always lovely too, there's something so sincere and genuine about it. Popping it in the big red post box and then waiting a day or two to see if it arrives safely at its destination, hopefully bringing some mail box excitement to your loved one.
Therefore, my dear readers, it is quite obvious as to why I should be so excited about this giveaway! A beautiful box of 'xoxo' notecards from French Navy for one lucky winner to be chosen next Friday! There are lots of exclamation points here! My mail box excitement and my giveaway excitement are mingling to form HUGE excitement!! Mailaway excitement! If you will!
All you have to do is leave a little comment detailing your loveliest note, received or sent. Mine shall remain private*, but DO share! There has never quite been anything like a good love note. No siree. This one is for Australian residents only, but for the lovely internationals...we'll have one soon!
You've got until next Thursday night to enter my lovelies...better get cracking! And enjoy the weekend...I'm off to a wedding! xx
ps - check out the other beautiful paper treats on offer at the delightful French Navy store. See if you can resist...I dare you!
* 'Our relationship is both wonderful and weird. I'm wonderful, you're weird.'