Good morning my lovelies! I hope we're all enjoying the 4 day week, and that it's Friday already! Let's give 3 cheers for that! Although not literally, people will think you're odd. Unless you work in a party hire store. Then you'd just be a really enthusiastic employee, and might even get a raise. Or maybe some helium balloons. Either way, what an exciting end to the week!I think we've missed the Friday beauty post 3 times now? But now (as was part of the plan), it'll be like the surprise package that came in the mail or the coffee your friend brought you back after lunch, and will make you think, "Golly, I do enjoy surprise packages in the mail!", or, "Golly, I do love Magda in accounts and her skim no froth lattes with 2 sugars!". Except you'll be thinking "Golly, when I clicked on that blog link I though I was going to somewhere that would be cool and exciting!". Ha! Gotcha.
Inspiration today has been taken from our much loved songbirds! Which, funnily enough, wasn't going to be at all about red hair. But I do see a theme emerging! Having always wanted bright orange hair, I think it's a sign. But let's first take Alison Sudol from A Fine Frenzy (see video below) and her fiery locks. It looks brilliant. And I want it. But I'm quiet enjoying being low mainty with my Garnier box brunette and am thinking this would take a leetle bit more that $14.95 every 2 months. Darn. Perhaps I could try some kind of natural henna type thing. Oh yes. I can see it going brilliantly wrong already...
Next up is Jenny Lewis from Rilo Kiley, who is quite the cool rock chick. And may have been pants-less pre Gaga. I'm not sure if it's part of the deal. Become an indie/alternative mucis star...dye hair red. It seems like a natural progression. Maybe I have a secret untapped desire to be an indie rock star? I should look into that. But if you're not going to dye your hair red, maybe settle for the pants-less thing? Much less confronting, easy for anyone to pull off, and super comfy. Unless you're on a bus with pleather seats in Summer. Not so pleasant.
Miss Regina Spektor. Awesome musician, one handed glove wearer. And hair that could be described as what we in the biz call a 'reddish shade'. I wonder if she's gone pants-less. It does seem to be the thing to do.
Uber trendoids Angus and Julia Stone. I don't imagine she's ever gone pants-less. To be fair, I would say being more folksy and less rocksy would probably have something to do with that. Her hair isn't red. Let's pretend it has been at some point. She'll probably be reading this and thinking, "Nic! Remember!? That party at Mac's place in June last year? It was definitely red...", and I'll be all "HECK yeah!" while wondering when Julia Stone and I became friends and why I don't remember this Mac character. Intriguing.
And of course, Flo. Also pants-less. And red haired. My gosh. The urge to become a redhead is growing stronger! To be pants-less, not so much. But red haired! Yes please! And the best bit!? Being pasty has never come in handy before. I've always looked somewhat like a white jelly bean, and the weirdest part is I never wear sunscreen (don't tell)! But NOW! It's practically crying out for a red mop! Not of the supermarket kind.
Hmmm. We'll see. I do love a new hair colour! But I hope you all have a very lovely weekend. Hopefully this beautiful Autumn weather will continue and you'll be able to flash your new red locks in golden shimmering sunlight! If your hair is red.