Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Guest Blog :: Max = photography goodness
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
more things to love about scotland...
Because there will always be more...
- Shortbread
- Beautiful gardens filled with roses and begonias and poppies and lupins and foxgloves...
- Tea and digestives
- The words 'bonny' and 'daft' being used with high frequency, and everything being 'pure dead brilliant'
- £1 for a GIANT tray of fresh Scottish raspberries that can be eaten messily by the handful
- Biscuit tins in every single house hold filled with chocolate and biscuit-y goodness
- Shortbread!
- Big yellow number plates
- Electric showers
- Peppers, squash, and courgettes. Obviously being capsicums, pumpkins and zucchinis. Obviously.
image via weheartit
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010

I guess there's always next time...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Friday (because it's almost the weekend) beauty post!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Bonnie Scotland...
Some of the wonders of Scotland that I have enjoyed of late...
- Chip butties in Buckie
- Spotting huge herds of deer on mountain sides in the Highlands
- Picking heather roadside and overlooking the mountains and hills that roll into the distance (Keira Knightly style in Pride and Prejudice on the DVD main menu. Yep. Just like that)
- Placing my rock on the pile at Cairn O Mount, after the friendly Scottish couple informed us that's what's done
- ''Sun baking'' on the beach at St Andrews
- Ice cream at St Andrews (ferrero rocher - best ice cream ever)
- Walks along the stone walled lanes, winding through the fields
- Driving past the townships of Boghead and Slackhead
- Not being able to understand anyone from Glasgow
- Early afternoon naps (I'm quite the nanna)
And many more yet to come!
Guest Blog :: Let's Dance
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Friday (because it's almost the weekend) beauty post!

But as always, keep in mind that I know nothing at all about any of this and therefore take no responsibility if you look kind of funny with smoodgy lipstick cheeks. But just secretly, I think you'll look smashing. SMASHING!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Guest Blog :: Where the details are...pretty in pink
delicate flowers
soft and light
gorgeous textures
lovely and pure
A wedding memories are made of
Guest Blog :: Where the wild and beautiful things are!

But this here fox wouldn't eat your potatoes. Or your leafy greens. He would however look smashing on your wall. Yes indeedy. No rifles necessary. Or angry yelling British people. As fun as that would be...
artwork by Darren Song
Monday, July 5, 2010
Come away with me...

To a land filled with magnificent mountains and lush green hills...Strawberry farms overflowing with ripe red fruit...Watery blue skies and full headed, sweet smelling roses...Fields of white fluffy sheep and very hairy cows... Night skies that are as bright as day...Castles, cottages and cobble stone streets...And loads of Marks and Spencer chocolate cake sponge roll thingys.
It's quite lovely.
What I would like to look like whilst riding a bicycle...

Really, really, don't.
ps - Scotland is grand.
pps - It's even kind of warm!
ppps - Kind of...
image via marie claire
Friday, July 2, 2010

I know what you're thinking. The Warsaw Convention is an intriguing proposal signed in 1929 and is an in depth consumer rights document regulating liability for international carriers of persons, luggage or goods*. You're a clever muffin. You're most likely also musing over that lovely holiday snap of me**. Can I see? How bad will my dress tan lines be? And where is my right arm?
Whilst we all continue to muse, may I point out a few things for your note and interest?
- I do not like Avocado
- My feet remain chilly throughout the entirety of Winter
- I have an unhealthy obsession with sunsets
- I am jetting off abroad to see my loved one today
- I have a favourite mug
- I leave today!!!
However! Do not fret my dear readers, as I shall be continually updating you on my travels and flashing pretty pictures and lovely words across this here screen most frequently! As someone wise once said (probably me), "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail."*** Now I'm fairly sure there are paths in Scotland, but I do believe there's an adventure to be had!
I hope you all have a wonderfully Winter-sunshine filled weekend, and I shall see you soon!
ps - You may also be thinking to yourself (and quite rightly!), 'this is no Friday (because it's almost the weekend) beauty post!', to which I shall merely point out that you are correct. I'm LIVING ON THE EDGE!!!!
It's definitely time for a holiday...
* I googled.** It's not me.
*** Or it was Ralph Waldo Emerson. But whatever...